Monday, May 16, 2011

Kyndra's 6 year Photo's

This weekend I was packed with some special people to photograph Kyndra being one of them! We went to a location that was by far 1 of my favorite places to shoot to date. Her mom stumbled upon this place which was so cool, so unique and very England like. It was an old abandoned church it had so many great spots, along with different unique characteristics about it. I enjoyed this shoot a lot. Kyndra was a lot of fun and a trooper. You would never guess that it was raining, cold, windy, and cloudy. She made it seem like it was a perfect day. You could also tell she felt absolutely beautiful in her dress, which made her attitude fun, child like, and beautiful to capture... What an absolute pleasure it was to spend that day and photography shoot with Kyndra and her mom.

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